5 Reasons You Should Watch Reaction Channels on YouTube

Reaction channels have been popping up left and right on YouTube lately, and it’s no surprise why. These channels have been on the rise for some time now and show no signs of slowing down. Although reaction videos have been around for longer than just the 2010s, they’ve only recently become mainstream on YouTube. Now it seems like everyone has a favourite reaction channel (or two…or ten).

But what is it about reaction videos that make them so popular? Allow me to list off 5 reasons why you should consider joining the YouTube reaction video craze.

First things first: What are Reaction Channels?

Ever watch a movie or show that was so good you just had to watch it again? And not only that, but you also recommended it to your friends, dying to see their reactions to that one amazing scene? That’s pretty much what reaction channels are all about. They allow you to watch a show or clip with strangers on the internet and see their reactions or perspectives. It’s a great way to experience movies, shows, and even games with others without actually having to be around… well, others. But reaction channels aren’t just about reacting to movies and shows – they cover a wide range of content including games, memes, funny videos, text message screenshots, trailers, music videos, sports, TikToks, and more.

Popular reaction channels include SSSniperWolf, REACT, Cody Ko, SidemenReacts, Dylan is in Trouble, and The Normies.


Reaction videos can be a lot of fun to watch, especially if you enjoy seeing other people’s reactions to things. You might find that you get a lot of enjoyment out of watching someone else’s reactions and seeing how they compare to your own.

Unique Perspectives

Many reaction channels are run by individuals or small groups, which gives them a nice personal touch. It’s nice to hear unique perspectives on shows or movies that I’ve watched, even if I don’t always agree with them (which is often). But hey, that’s what makes it interesting! It’s always fun to hear different viewpoints and opinions.

Diverse Content

From music videos and movies to video games and memes, YouTube reaction channels cover a wide range of content. If you’re into it, there’s probably a reaction channel for it. Doctor Mike, a real-life doctor and youtuber, reacts to medical memes and funny medical videos on his YouTube channel. It’s some seriously entertaining stuff!

Dr. Mike youtube video thumbnail
Doctor Mike Youtube

New Discoveries

Reaction videos are not only entertaining, but they can also be a great way to discover new content that you might not have come across otherwise. By watching someone else’s reactions, you can get a preview of what the content is like and decide if it’s something you’d like to check out for yourself. I’ve even started watching a new anime because I saw some YouTubers react to it. It’s like getting recommendations from friends without even having to ask.


Watching (or re-watching) a show is already entertaining, but watching it with others (…from a distance) takes it to the next level. YouTube reaction videos can be a great way to feel connected to others who have similar interests. Seeing someone else’s reactions to a piece of content can make you feel like you’re not alone in your thoughts and passions.

BONUS reason

It’s FREE! Well, mostly free. You can watch as many reactions from as many channels as you want on YouTube without having to pay a cent. Of course, you might not be able to watch the actual clip in the best quality due to copyright laws, but the reactions are usually clear and show the best parts of the movies, shows, or clips. Many YouTubers even have Patreon accounts where subscribers can pay a monthly fee for more uncensored clips and full reactions to videos. But even without paying, trying out a reaction channel costs you nothing!

lady smiling at phone
Photo by Joyce Busola

Whether you’re looking for a good laugh, a new way to experience your favourite movies, shows, and more, or just want to see what all the hype is about, give reaction channels a try. You might just love it!

What do you think? Are you sold on the awesomeness of reaction videos yet? What’s your go-to reaction channel on YouTube? Drop a comment and let us know!