10 Reasons Why Winter is the Best Season of All

I love fall as much as the next person, but there’s something about winter that just makes fall seem like an opening act. Don’t get me wrong, winter isn’t always perfect, but the pros definitely outweigh the cons for this beautiful season. This post will show you 10 reasons why winter is the best season of all. For context, I live in Southern Ontario, Canada, so I get to experience winter in all its glory.

Here are 10 reasons why you should love winter, or at least give it a chance.

  1. Winter Aesthetic
  2. Coziness
  3. Holidays
  4. Good Excuse
  5. Winter Sports and Outdoor activities
  6. Winter Fashion or Lack Thereof
  7. Save Money
  8. Holiday Lighting
  9. Winter Break and Time Off
  10. The Quiet

Winter Aesthetic

Winter has a certain aesthetic that just can’t be beat. Everything looks so picturesque when it’s covered in snow. When you step outside and see a blanket of light, fluffy snow covering your home and all the bare trees around, it feels like you’ve been transported to another world. Winter scenery might not always look like Narnia, but when it’s beautiful, it’s absolutely breathtaking.

  • winter path within trees
  • streets on winter night
  • snow on streets in city
  • snow on house and street and trees


Snuggling up by the fireplace, wrapped in my coziest blanket, and drinking a warm cup of hot chocolate while watching Home Alone for the 20th time is something I’ve never done in summer or spring. It’s almost like there’s an appropriate time or season for it. Winter! There’s no cozier season than winter. It practically encourages you to be a couch potato.


It’s no surprise that a lot of my best memories now have winter associated with them. Christmas, New Year’s, and even a bit of Thanksgiving are celebrated during the winter. Being surrounded by friends, family, and the mall Santa makes the cold weather a bit more bearable.

Good excuse

There’s no better excuse for skipping out on a function or event than blaming it on the weather. As someone with a limited social battery, I’m not ashamed to admit that I get a little excited and relieved when some get-togethers or parties get canceled. It’s such a relief when I don’t have to cancel myself.

Winter provides some seriously good excuses – your car could be snowed in, you could have come down with a cold, or maybe you haven’t switched to winter tires yet and you don’t want to risk it.

Plus, in Ontario, we also experience high winds once in a while and get a few snow days a year! Oh how I love snow days. It’s like being given a legal right to stay in and do nothing for the rest of the day. There are so many possibilities and excuses to be given. Thank you, winter!

Winter sports and outdoor activities

There are so many things to do that can only be enjoyed in the colder months, like ice skating, sledding, skiing, snowshoeing, snowboarding, ice climbing, pond hockey, sleigh rides, and more. I’ve only tried like two of those activities, but I’m happy to say that they were great fun. Annual activities are just another reason to love winter.

Winter Fashion or Lack thereof

Dust off those fur coats and polish those boots – it’s officially winter! It’s the craziest and coziest time for fashion. If you’re a fashionista who loves dressing to impress, winter is the best challenge for you. It’s the perfect time to merge functional and fancy.

And if you’re a comfortable dresser who wears the same hoodie three times a week, winter is also the best time for you. There’s no judgment in winter – your hoodie is most likely covered by your winter jacket, and everyone is too busy being cold to even notice. There’s something so freeing about being able to bundle up in a giant coat, scarf, and boots and not worry about looking fashionable.

Save money

I think (okay, I know) there’s a direct correlation between leaving the house and spending money. Most of the fun and expensive stuff is outside your home – restaurants, malls, hanging out with friends, Starbucks, attractions, paid activities like escape rooms, museums, movies, etc. 

Needless to say, the urge to leave the house is greatly reduced in the winter. It takes a lot for me to bundle up, shovel my driveway, clear the snow off my car, and drive to another location in the freezing cold. So, staying at home is a great way to save money and time. We can now channel most of our disposable income into online shopping… the right and true way to perfectly deplete funds!

Holiday Lighting

From twinkling lights on trees and houses to colourful displays in neighbourhoods and downtown areas, the holiday season brings a warm and festive atmosphere. It’s so fun to take a walk or drive around and see all the different decorations and feel the holiday cheer. The lights add a touch of magic to the already beautiful winter aesthetic.

Winter Break and Time Off

One of the best parts about winter is all the time off from school and work. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or another holiday, there’s a good chance you get a few days off to relax and recharge. It’s the perfect time to catch up on sleep, spend time with family and friends, and do all those things you’ve been meaning to do but never have time for.

Winter is the perfect season for slowing down and enjoying some much-needed rest and relaxation.

The quiet

With the leaves gone from the trees and the snow muffling sound, winter has a unique stillness that can’t be found in any other season.  It’s a great time to sit back, relax, and enjoy the peacefulness. Whether you’re curled up with a good book, watching K-Drama or taking a walk through the snowy streets, the quiet of winter is a welcome break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

There are countless reasons to love and appreciate winter. From cozy nights by the fireplace to the beautiful winter scenery, it is truly the best season of all. Don’t let the colder weather get you down; remember all the joy and magic that winter brings.

So, what do you think? Is winter really the best season of all? And why do you love winter? Share your thoughts in the comments below!